I have really enjoyed this term and all the things we have done. I am probably most proud of my Writers Notebook, or my Independent Study. When I put together the collections of six to take home, I was suprised how thick it was! It was not like the rally driving booklet I feared it was going to be like.
In term three, I really want to get ahead on my I.S, because I still have quite a few things left on my SOLO. I'm proud of my WNB and I.S.
My favourite class novel has to be LOTF. The others weren't very interesting.
I'm not good at predicting the future, but I'm pretty sure I'll remember it fondly. No suggestions apart from maybe ditch spelling! Other than that everything is good, I just need to get organised and find some free time to catch up on my I.S.
Sushi truck, great idea!