Monday, 17 June 2013

Picture books- Nicholas

I recently found one of my favourite picture books,  Amazing Aeroplanes which is in this transport series that I loved. I like these books because of the colours and quirky colourful animal characters and the simple yet detailed illustrations.

I also love the Richard Scary books with Huckle cat and Loly worm and my favourite of them all Sargent Murphy and Gorillas Bananas. 

There are so many picture books I love; Mouse Hotel, The Little Yellow Digger, Are we there Yet?, The Snail and Bad Mood Bear. I love so many more but I proably can't remember then roght now.

I think there are bad picture books but they are a rarity.

I will put them on another post as my tablet is not working very well.


  1. Heck Nicholas, you mention so many. Picture books were (and still are) a big part of your reading life.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Amazing Aeroplanes picture books are liked by many peoples.Each and every picture have clear vision and explained..
