Monday, 17 June 2013

Picture books from our childhood - Campbell

Most picture books are for children.  Of course there are picture books that sre aimed at older readers but obviously because children are the biggest market then authors need to focus their writin on that
audience.  A good book for choldren is one that they can understand.  Most  picture books have a very easy atoryline that even a child could understand.

Picture books can beeaseir to write than novels so there are some bad ones out there.  Thisointmalso means that everyone has different favourites.  One of my oldest favourites is the Lion Who Wanted to Love.

This book was my favourite for a long time and I think I know why.  This book has a simple plot that anyone can follow and as a child when I couldn't read and unravel plots so well it was enjoyable book that I could love.

Picture books are an enjoyable form of literature that people from all ages can enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Good post Campbell - you mention a book my children love. Maybe an extra proofread to tidy it up?
