Thursday, 24 September 2015

Approaching the Home Straight!! - JOSH

What? Less than 50 more days of primary school? So scary to think how fast life is going! I believe that I have grown! I think I've developed an opinion on many things and that I feel like I can contribute instead of being told exactly how to do things. The thing that has stretched me the most is how to manage my time. I've always met deadlines and managed my time previously but I would say I had a quarter on than what I previously had. Trying to juggle Wellesley's got Talent, Student Council, Marlborough House, T.O.M reigionals, T.O.M. nationals, T.O.M. pacific final, Two hockey teams, Independent Study, Rock Band, WNB, speeches and all the 7/8T tasks! One thing that I am glowing about is my achievements in Tournament of Minds especially as I put so much effort into it. I am exceptionally pleased with my WNB as I put my heart into every piece I did! (That sounds very dramatic... Yet it's true)! I like these holidays as it's two weeks to focus on Independent Study and just Independent Study!

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