Recently, there's been a lot of political talk about changing our flag. A lot of this started when Scotland tried to pull out of the comanwealth. This got most of the coutries part of the comanwealth thinking that if they could pull out of the CM they wouldn't need the miniture Union Jack (it was the head of the CM) flag on their flag. So, the rest CM (specifaly the ones with the Union Jack on their flag) might change their flag. New Zealand was one of these countries.
Currently we are cosidering changing our flag to a silver fern in a black background. In my opinion, the should have a silver fern and a nice brown Kiwi in a black background. But overall, it's not my decision, It's not the prime minister's decision, It's the peoples' decision. Us changing our flag will be our last step to total indendentcy, and is key in our country's ability to make decisions on it's own.
I think I have made my point.