Thursday, 3 April 2014


Spoilers. Mm, Hard topic. I don't usually care about them unless it is one like a character's death or another influential occurrence. Sporting events are not usually a problem as I often just want to know what happens. Apart from the Super bowl. I really wanted to see that and see all the amazing excitement that it builds. As it happens it was all over the news and I couldn't record a full replay as it was too long. In the replays we saw some funny bits like when Peyton manning missed the ball and one of the cameras showed the hilarious face of surprise...

Movie trailers are no problem as long as they don't ruin the plot (but if they are like the Frozen trailer and lie about what the movie is about then it is worse. What a terrible mistake going to that movie. At least some of the music was good!) but I digress, they are fine. I haven't been trying hard to avoid a spoiler but my heart goes out to you who do.

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