Thursday, 3 April 2014

Spoilers- Jesse

I personally don't mind spoilers so much, but for me it really depends on the book/movie. I occasionally read the ending of the book, I do that less these days. As for accidentally giving people spoilers, I'm generally not very good at withholding information. More than once I have let the cat out of the bag to family members about our favourite TV show, Sherlock. I don't really care about most sporting events, we don't have any of the Sport Channels on our TV, so I wouldn't mind if someone spoiled a really crucial game between Arsenal and Tottenham, because I probably wouldn't get to watch it anyway.

I love watching movie trailers, I don't think I've been to a movie in the last three years  where I haven't first seen the trailer. A trailer can tell you a lot about a movie, so I think it's very important for a movie-making company to put lots of money and effort into getting a trailer just right, the music is especially important in my opinion. The ideal trailer would be something like the Catching Fire* trailer, where it tells you just enough to pique your interest, but it tells you little enough to still make you want to see the movie.

*Spoiler Alert: Something happens to someone in Mockingjay.

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