Thursday, 7 May 2015

Lord of the Flies - Ben S

To be honest, I want to be perfectly clear. These guys are idiots, for twelve years old. It must be a school for the Not-So-Gifted. And the leaders aren't very good either (although it's a lot like politics today. A bunch of people that think they are gods but end up making stupid decisions). To be honest, the most inteelingent of the bunch is Simon. Only he is trying to see the beast for himself, and he plays a huge role in the book. What a shame he is (Spoiler!). He most definately has my sympathy. And if the boy with the birthmark hadn't opened his mouth, these factions would have never been created, the boys wouldn't be afraid of the dark, and this Beast, a mere fragment of imagnation, wouldn't exist. And while the leaders are bad, Ralph is definately the one I'd go with. At least he is trying to get the boys rescued. But what happens to Jack once all the pigs are dead? All hunted down, all murdered, and all eaten. Jack would come crawling back to Ralph's group, and would probably commit suicide out of shame.

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