Sunday, 13 October 2013

T4 Vision- Nicholas

Wow the year has gone fast! I can't believe we are already in term 4. I really need to get cracking on my independent study and work on my speech. I see this term as a frantic 6 weeks and then it cooling down from there on. With all the stuff I've got on I have to make time for my IS. I am going to get my SOLO activities done by the end of this week and also have my presentation well on track. I will just work my way round the time I have. If I was my own teacher I would make some long term deadlines e.g. All SOLO activities done by term 3 week 7. (I have not done this stuff.)

I am really looking forward to the West Coast Trip and I have only $3 to go until I have reached $700.


1 comment:

  1. It is good that we have an I.S. term because that is more interesting than the previous terms.
