Thursday, 31 October 2013

Independent Study-So Far So Good-Harry W

I think that the system is pretty good and I think that it runs quite smoothly. Being an audience member is good because you get to learn a lot like how to present your presentation and your learn quite a bit about the topic. Being a good audience is hard as you have to sit in a chair for about an hour and listen to someone speaking which can get a bit monotonous at times unless you are interested in the topic. I think that without the smart board the presentations wouldn't be as good because you can read of it and look at pictures and YouTube videos. I think that as a year seven getting constructive and positive feedback is really good to take on board for next year. I thought that the presentation on antibiotics was probably the best so far for me as I found it really interesting. I am looking forward to The Hunting presentation as it is a topic I can sort of relate to and I also think it will be really interesting.

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