Thursday, 31 October 2013

So far so good? - Ben

I like the cue system for the presentations because it gives the year 7's a bit more time to sort themselves out as they haven't had a year of experience unlike the year 8's. I always enjoy being an audience to a presentation because I don't have to concentrate on anything. This means I can let all the information go through my brain very easily.

I think the Smartboard is great for presentations because it paints a good picture in the audiences heads of what your saying. Constructive criticism is a great way of giving people advice and it is important for not only year 7's but year 8's as they have college ahead of them. If I had to change something about the presentation progress I would change the set up of the presentation. Doing something like I.S before you go to college is a good idea because you learn tonnes about your topic but your general knowledge is widened just by listening to what other people have learned. I think that this is extremely important for college.

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