Sunday, 13 October 2013

T4 Vision - Jin

It is sad to think that I will only have one more term of school here at Wellesley. I have enjoyed my time not just in the class but out. This term I will try to finish on a high.

My vision for this term is good. I feel that this term is going to be good, fun, and hard work. But it will all be worth it. It is going to be the last and most memorable term of of my life so far because it is the last term of primary school. A massive step in my life. To have gone from year one and being the small newbie, to standing where I am today: A year eight at the top of the school, is a great feeling to have achieved and to be there but now I go to college. I am no longer the big boy, but the newbie again.

If I don't stay on task this term it may still go pear shaped for me. Something I do not want to happen. My presentation is a mere week away and with my booklet, speech and now a maths assignment, I worry that my plate is overflowing. In saying that, From week fiveish, I have a clear run in to the end of the year.

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