Wednesday, 7 May 2014

T2-it's a trap/Term One smmary

Term one has ended, term two has started. And with the term finally setting in, somthing else that has setted in is not welcome. The harsh Wellington winter is coming, and it's going to take a lot more than a wooly jacket to keep it out. And something else that's not welcome is here: Harsh Homework. Term one is definitely more cushy then this term. Last term was an amazing one, but wether or not this one will be, we can only hope (quote from 19th centry writer when he was predicting what the 20th would be like. He obviously didn't know the horror it would bring). If I could (and I can) summarize term one it would be.... umm, still can't think of one yet... wait, I've got it! The term of begining.

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