Thursday, 8 May 2014

Animal Farm - Andrew

I think that the term 'classic' refers to if it has a deeper meaning, or if it has a vital or reflective meaning. I think this book is a classic because of how it relates to The Russian revolution and the whole concept of Communism. Here are a few classics
1. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain
2. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain
3. Moby Dick
Already, you can see that Napoleon is becoming more and more secretive and also gaining more power. The milk being taken is a sign that the pigs are taking everything for themselves and slowly the seven commandments are becoming irrelevant. The rebellion was sort of thrown at them, as the farmers found the animals eating out of the stores of food, a cow rammed one of the farmers and so it had started. Soon the farm was man free and all was well... or so they thought.

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