Sunday, 7 December 2014

...thiarts emoH ehT- Max

I will sing 'This is the time, this is the place". My highlights for this year are

  1. UNSW ICAS Computer Skills Medal Ceremony (SPOILER: It will be Digital Technologies next year SPOILER END)
  2. Finishing my Independent Study Booklet
  3. My Independent Study Presentation
  4. Letter to the Editor being published twice.
  5. Going to the Gold Coast.
I have made the most gains in Computing because I got the ICAS Medal and have learnt a lot this year.
My tips would be:
  1. Don't Game!
  2. Bow down to year 8s!
  3. Beware the Illuminati
I am looking forward to GAMING.
I really liked the eagle book series (I haven't finished it yet)
10/10 (now please don't kill my family nicholas)
2015 holds a year of annoying year 7s (I'm starting to sound like Noah) a better Independent Study and Illuminati.
Definitely Mr Klox because I AM THE ILLUMANTI *Callum tackles me screaming*.

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