Sunday, 7 December 2014

Home Straight

My time at Wellesley is coming to an end. Of all of the eight years I have been here, I have grown a connection with the school and it will be hard to leave. My advice for the year sixes is to not waste time, don't game (EVER) like many of the year sevens this year did. Last year when we were year sevens, we were far more on track than the year sevens this year. Most year sevens have gamed a lot EVEN IN TERM FOUR but last year, we learnt quickly enough that gaming will not help. Would you give up the opportunity to actually have a good Independent Study JUST so you MIGHT get a good player on FIFA15 or your new high score on whatever? To all of the newbies; I wish you luck, that you do not join the campaign of what happened to the year sevens this year. If you do, then that's your problem, your Independent Study will be short of the gallop.

This was a final blog post from William so goodbye 78Tait blogspot.

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