Thursday, 27 March 2014
NZ Playhouse- Toby M
Farm but thank god I was wrong, because that would be boring. I recognised the characters from the book and the movie and thought it was very well written. It was really hilarious and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Some teachers thought it was a bit inappropriate but I don't care.
NZ Playhouse - The Corrupt Dictator of a very nice small country (William)
NZ Playhouse Hugh
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
Noo Zeelan' Playhoose - Callum Benfell
I think the NZ playhouse show was really good, the best bits being the Total Totalitarian advert and the Russian accents. The show definitely added value to to the Animal Farm story as it introduced you to the Russian Communist Revolution, and highlighted some of the finer points of the story.
I think it WAS age appropriate for year sevens and eights, however, you COULD show it to juniors, but they would not understand the joke and puns, like Napoleon shouting 'respect mah authorah' and David Guetta's Titanium as Napoleon's theme song.
However, one thing I did notice about the show is that the actors seemed to be making things up WAY too much, and adding in loads of pointless stuff.
But, all in all I think it was a 5/5 performance.
NZ Playhouse - Ben
NZ Playhouse-Harry W
I particularly enjoyed the way they combine a great old novel with a current 21st century topics such as Big Brother and the way the referred to the struggle in Russia and Ukraine and Mikey Cyrus. One of the biggest challenges the actors had to overcome was, how to make an audience of year eight boys laugh and they succeeded. A lot of the over performances that have visited the school have been childish and only made the juniors laugh but this one was different (in a good way). The funniest moment was probably the crazy rich guy who came on during the ads and boxer. I think that the show was mostly for entertainment and it didn't add a lot of value to what I already knew about animal farm but that is a good thing. I would probably ask the actors how long they had been acting for. I would definitely recommend this performance for 12 and up.
NZ Playhows-Jorje
This shows the greed of Pigs!
NZ playhouse - Andrew
NZ Playhouse- Nicholas
The NZ playhouse!!!!!!!/Gus
NZ Playhouse-Max
I particularly liked the more 'grown-up' references such as "respect mah authoritah" from south park and social networking because it wasn't so much a little kids show. Some of the challenges that they would of faced would be switching costumes fast and keeping in time with the soundtrack. I think the funniest moment was the respect mah authoritah part. I think the show didn't really add value. I would definitely reccomend this to someone who was at least 11 or with the maturity of one.
NZ Playhouse - Henry C
This show was amazing. It added funny to fact to fiction and it really was very special. It definitely is one of the funniest shows and up there with Zebong for shows I want to come back to Wellesley his year. It was age appropriate because we are seniors and it actually wasn't that rude/bad. Probably my biggest question would be if Luke could drive the tour van.
NZ Playhouse-Ben S
NZ Playhouse-esuohyalP ZN Tim H
I would definitely recommend this as it is a hilarious yet somewhat serious in the some respects.
The whole show was funny but it was not age appropiate. At the start it felt like it was going to be like a normal show at wellesley very babyish but in the end it definitly wasn't.
New Zealand Playhouse - Noah A
NZ playhouse - Jim
NZ Playhouse - Josh
NZ Playhouse- Will S
I also really liked how they made it age appropriate for us because it really kept us hooked on the show for the full duration of it.
On the whole I thought it was a really great performance that gave us an idea of what the book was going to be like.
NZ Playhouse - Toby C
NZ Playhouse
Tuesday, 25 March 2014
NZ Playhouse - Mr T
Thursday, 20 March 2014
The Resolution - Toby Marks
Da Rezzalooshinn-Jorje
Andrew - The Resolution
It is possible that somebody could be in that situation though not very likely. If Christopher boon was in my family I would treat him with respect but at times it would be hard but I would probably get used to it.
The resolution/Gus M
The resolution- Callum Benfell
The book is really different, focusing on the point of view of a 15 year old child that is ’different'. Every story has a problem and then has a resolution. The problem in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime is that Christopher Books finds a dog that is dead. He tries to find out who killed the dog, but partway through his investigations, finds out his mum had an affair with another man, but his dad had said to him that she died.
The plot thickens as he finds out that his dad was the person that killed the dog, and Christopher thinks that his dad will try to kill him, which is probably NOT how a normal mind would work.
Christopher travels to London to live with his mother. We are currently up to this part, but I predict that Christopher will arrive at his mothers house and then his father will turn up at his mothers house as it it logical that Christopher would go to his mum.
I think that the plot will go back to the dog, maybe Christopher's dad buying him a dog to make up for it, and the parents will get together again, and the story will have a happy ending, just like other books.
By Callum Benfell
The Resolution - Jim
The Resolution- Theo
If Christopher Boone was in my family, I would try to stay out of his way or just try not to upset him. I might even get quite angry with him like his mother if he didn't treat me or my belongings well.
I think Lord of the Flies definitely had a memorable resolution.
The Resolution Hugh
The Resouloution-Sam
I did not think that this book would have such a big and complicated plot. It is a great book and I can not wait to hear about what happens next and I think the outcome will be he moves in with his mum and goes to a new school and his dad finds out and tries to bring him back to swinden.
The Resolution-Max
The Resolution.noituloseR ehT- Tim H
The Resolution - Henry C
It would be very hard to live with Christopher just because of how different he is to other people. Being not able to touch or eat things that are yellow or brown Christopher is missing out on a lot of things in life. Such as: Bananas, chocolate, pineapple, pineapple lumps (which are brown and yellow.) He is missing out on some of the best things in life because I know that me personally could not go a week without eating something that is yellow or brown. To make a movie on this book you would need an actor and a voice person to basically read out the whole script because most of this book is in Christopher's head and if it was just like a normal movie!!
The Resolution-Ben S
The Resolution - Callum H
© 2014 Callum Hancock book ending company.
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The Resolution-Harry W
I think that the resolution will end with everything working out and Christopher understanding why people do the things they do. I think that when [or if] Christopher meets his mum she will explain what happened and then Christopher will understand but he will still have his own views and he won't go back to his dad. I think it will be a happy ending where he will end up with his mum. This story may not be realistic in the eyes of us but I think that it is realistic for someone with asburgess in that situation. If Christopher was my brother then I would try and teach him that moaning doesn't help anything but I would have to be really patient with would be a huge challenge. I love the ending in Ender's Game as it ends one story but starts another and that creates a sense of anticipation almost.
The resolution-Will
Nicholas- The Resolution
Wow, this book is not quite like any other book I've read. I am really enjoying it yet. Christopher Boone has had a few weird encounters with policeman and members of the public. It's really neat the way that it's written because the author makes the plot seem at its peak but actually the book has had a lot of 'peak' points: Wellington being killed for example this point of the story seems to be the main scenario but actually it changes after the mystery,'Who killed Wellington?' the main focus turns to Christopher's mind and the situations he is in at the time like the people in his life. We first see sings of asbergus sindrome when he hits the policeman at the start of the book. I first thought it was just a spasm but as the book goes on it's quite obvious that he is disabled. I think that the way its written is cool because the author puts in a lot of situations which makes it exiting and tense. I don't know about you but I personally feel sorry for young Christopher as he doesn't know any better. So that concludes this weeks post.
The Resolution - Noah
The Resolution - Ben
The Resolution - Mr T
Monday, 17 March 2014
Independent study.yduts tendnepednI
independent study
hi sam here my independent study is on gallipoli i want to know what others are and i am interested in josh's max's luke's noah's henry's and william durkin's independent studies. I like the look of other independent studies from recent years
Independent Study-Luke
I got my TSM done, my PQ's done and my BSWQ finished. I can already foresee the fun I'm going to have with my study.
Independent study-Max
Friday, 14 March 2014
Independent Study - Henry C
My topic, in my opinion is the best topic in the class. Sorry to everyone else with good topics but mine is the best. I also think my topic is suited to me because I am more of a laid back kind of person and Harry Houdini is the kind of topic that you don't have to do a amazing amount of work to make it a decent booklet.
Thursday, 13 March 2014
Independent Study- Nicholas
This year has been a slow start topic wise, not in a bad way. I'm just taking my time selecting my topic. I was first thinking of the space shuttle and then on to Palestine. Palestine would be a slow burner if I did it. But now I'm having doubts about doing Palestine and I am moving towards something else like Boeing, the steam train or Sea-Shepherd.
I think it is good if you picture your I.S. on the shelf and your presentation and what will be in it. Think about whether you'll be happy with the finished product. I am really looking forward to some of the topics the children have chosen. I am enjoying writing up my peer questions and my TSM is coming along slowly but surely.
This year I aim to get the bulk of my I.S. done in terms two and three and have my green light by the end of the term.
Independent Study-Toby M
Independent study - Jim
Independent study Will
Independent study -Toby C
Independent Study- Theo
Independent study-Luke
PEER Q's: done. I'm already foreseeing the fun that lies ahead. I've already got information pouring in left👈, right👉 and center👇. My west coast fundraiser is going nicley.
Independent Study-Ben S
Independent Study - William
Ind Study by Callum B
I havent nailed down my Ind Study topic just yet, but I am thinking along the lines of Biomimicry or the Future of Design (Biomimicry mean copy nature and putting it into our design to make better things). The Future of Design would also be cool because I could focus on smaller topics such as 3d Printing, design AND Biomimicry.
Please comment on what topic you think I should choose.
I have been enjoying seeing what other people are writing for Peers Questions. Some of them are really good , however some are just plain THICK (e.g. why do Helicopyers go nyearghputtaputtaputtaputtavroomvroom really loud? Or who is the main character in Batman). You get the idea.
Anyway, so far I am enjoying Independent Study and can't wait to get green lighted!
Andrew - independent study
Independent Study - Josh
Independent Study- George
Callum H - Ind Study
I think I'm pretty much there with my TSM I'm just having a few problems printing.
My BSWQ is looking good as well and I'm really looking forward to the year.
Independent Study-Harry W
I think that last year i chose a topic that I didn't really enjoy so this year I have taken my time to choose a really interesting topic that will keep me interested for the rest of the year. I am really looking forward to studying my topic as I love animals even though they are getting killed but I would like to study why and what we can do to stop it. My topic is an instant hit but so was my topic last year and then I grew to dislike it so I hope that it is no the same. I quite like the Al Capone choice our the Springbok Tour. The TSM process has been extremely easy as I just used the template from last year. It is always fun to stand on a desk. I am close to a solid BSWQ but I haven't nailed down what I am going to call my topic so it is a bit hard. My vision for my presentation at the end of year is for it to be a lot better than last year as know I have that knowledge and experience.
independent study/Gus
I must say, even though I have 21 weeks left to do my independent study, I am worried I might not finish on time so I am a bit nervous. In other (good) news, I have nearly finished my ANZAC Essay, which I like doing, so I might write a book about World War 1. And I have more than a week left to do my Essay, so I do not need to worry.