Sunday, 22 May 2016

Animal Farm ⏸ The Aftermath DUN DUN DUN!!!

Animal Farm - The Aftermath

Animal Farm  

One of the greatest pieces of literature that exists. Yes yes it is. This book was not only very well written but used it own way of saying things to the reader in its own special way. This book was the pure essence of why communism doesn't work.

The book was a pleasure to read and really sucked me in at times. It sets it's story up so well that you think you always know what's going to happen next, until it doesn't. 
Of all the characters my favourite would be Boxer for his never give up spirit and supporting all of the farm and Napoleon because it he is what I envision I would act like if I were in that situation. 

In my opinion Orwell is a genius writer. It's just the way he gets his messages across very well, using show not tell.

If I had to ask Napoleon a question it would probably be "how do manage to keep the animals hopeful in times of famine".

Animal farm in one sentence would be "Communism doesn't work".

I felt very bad for some of the very dumb animals that had know idea what was going on and just became slaves to Napoleon receiving the bare minimum to survive.

 23/5/16  Jake Breslin   

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