Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Multiple intelligences?-Angus

I enjoyed doing the quiz. It was interesting to see what scored and what other people scored as well. I wasn't surprised to find that my highest was naturalistic but I was surprised to find that according to this quiz, my lowest was mathematical/logical. I think it is better to be really good at lots of things than be extra good at only one thing. I think my one really weak thing is probably logical/mathematical or maybe inter-personal. I would really like to improve on my mathematical/logical things but not so much on inter-personal.I think that my naturalistic skills will help me a lot in science and my body/kinesthetic will help me in sport. I think that having multiple intelligence quiz's in schools is a very good idea because one you and the teacher can find out what you're good at and what you need to work on and also it is fun. I think that for William Shakespear, Roald Dahl and Spike Milligan are all very word smart while Messi, the Williams sisters (tennis stars) and Richie Mcaw are all very body smart.          

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