Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Multiple intelligence - Jake Breslin

Multiple intelligence

My strengths were in Maths / Logical and Intra-personal.
I predicted my results and I was correct with the outcome excelling In mental and intelligence category's but doing worse in sporty / athletic category's. I think it is good to excel in one area as long as you like whatever you're excelling in.
I was very weak in the environmental category only scoring 15 points. I want to develop on my musical part by learning an instrument.

Multiple intelligence tests could be used in schools to help set more specific work for a student for example if I excelled in sport but had terrible mathematical skills teacher would see that and assign more maths work until I was even or close et my sport level.

I see Verbal, Logical / Mathematical as important skills as they help you pass tests and are basic skills you need.

Overall these tests are very interesting to do and see the results. By schools using these tests everything works better the student will improve on subjects that they lack in and it will become easier to learn.

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