Sunday, 8 December 2013

Ender's Game: Book vs Movie- Theo

Reading Ender's Game has been a pleasure and I think the movie is equally good. The battle simulation at the end of the movie was done really well as well as the battles in the battle room.

The scenes that linked up with my imagination the most would probably be the bunk room where the launchees slept and the battle room. I imagined the stars would be orange, I don't know why! but they were still the same shape I imagined them.

I plan to see the movie again with my family.

To finish off with, I would like to see the Cherub series turned into movies.


  1. Good idea Theo the cherub series would make a great movie

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The battles were good, and the Cherub series would make awesome movies
