Monday, 8 April 2013

Too much information Rob

Beatty thought that if there were no books then everyone would be the same and no one would know anything important about the world. A lot has changed since 1953 when farenheit 451 was published. And yes we do still moan about the 'dumbing down' of information. I think it would probably be a bit harder with no internet but most of my information so far has been from books so I think I would be in good shape.


  1. Same here, I have a lot of books to get info from but the internet is a lot of help!

  2. There are very few books about my topic so the internet is where I get most of my info. I think that without books and different websites everyone would be quite the same, and there would be less variety in the world. Yes, they provoke argument but if there was no argument, the world would be a very annoying place.
