Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Home Straight - The Final Chapter - Josh Kemp Whimp

Wow. Two and a half more days. It's really hard to comprehend and handle all these emotions - excitement, nervous, sad. It is honestly so weird. What are the memorable moments? Well everything. But in particular I really have appreciated the moments of 7/8T randomness. I think that those are the things that I will miss the most because I know that I will never meet a class this interesting.

I think a lesson that I've learnt and would give would be take it all in. I didn't realise how fast the year had gone by until we reached term four and now I've only got one proper day of school. Take all opportunities you can. Go for rock band, go for house captain, go for student council because this is your last chance no more retries.

At school next year I'm looking forward to broadening my knowledge. History, social sciences, technology all things that will be important in my future. I'm also looking forward to going to different teachers for subjects just to try and mix things up.

I would definitely think my next three steps would be: confidence, confidence is massively important to me. I do a lot of speeches and performances yet before hand I always think about what could go wrong and I think that I just need to get to the stage where I fully believe in myself and get to the point where I have no doubts.

Organisation: I know that I am not the neatest boy there is but I would love to get more organised so that I can get a better handle on my work. I think it would really help me academically and in the future.

Being true to myself: I think that one thing that I will need to do next year is being true to myself. Next year I know it'll be a hard time for a lot of people and they'll try to be a person that there not. So I know that I must stay who I am.

Lastly my maxim for 7/8T: Sometimes in life things get weird and that's why we have 7/8T, to prepare us for that weirdness. #RedPeakShould'veWon

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