Thursday, 19 June 2014

Wrapping up two beasts... - Mr T

Good afternoon boys.  Today we completed two major 'things'.  Our class novel, Genesis is now complete. What did you make of the 'twist' (pun intended) at the end.  Did you see it coming?  What do make of Pericles' role in the story?  Does this spark an interest in other Sci-Fi novels?  Other NZ authors?  Next week I will be asking you to create a 'snapshot' for a title page with a new title (some great suggestions last week).  Start thinking about your ultimate image which defines this book for you.  Secondly, Science Fair exhibits are now complete.  What was the most interesting thing you learned during the process?  How do you think you will fair in the judging?  If you could rewind the clock one term what would you do differently?

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