Genesis is an amazing book which really makes you think. I think Anaximander is an intelligent and curious girl. She doesn't like gossip but likes studying on Adam Forde's life. I think she is a curious character and one that's hard to understand. I think that Art who is a lonely character who just wants some attention. I think that Art is learning Adam's traits and is beginning to be more and more like Adam. I think that the story will have an unhappy ending because I think that Bernard Beckett is an author who writes in an interesting and unique way! If I could rename the book I would call it either:
- Anaximander
- The mysterious life of Adam Forde
- If orangutans were robots...
I would rate Bernard Beckett's writing 15\10 because I think his style of writing keeps you hanging till the very last word. I think Genesis would make an awesome movie if it had a good director and a good cast. For me the most memorable scene is when Adam kills Joseph.
The picture above is what I think Art looks like
Don't copy William(or is it the other way).