Saturday, 2 February 2013

The night before...

The night before another school year and I am really fizzing to start.  Boys - you will walk through that door tomorrow morning and probably have a mix of emotions.  You might be a little frightened of that new teacher Mr Tait (all 5' 8", with shoes on) and you might also be excited by all the stuff we will be doing.  Rest assured that all of us (me included) will need to keep our eyes and ears peeled, be organised, communicate clearly, ask questions, and work very hard.  We will all make mistakes, we will all say daft things, none of us will have the 'rub of the green' all the time.  The two most important things, above academic performance, sporting prowess, or artistic talent, include being kind to one another and being brave when faced with problems.  Let's enjoy a cracking 2013.  A question:  Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert and how can we make sure that everyone has a say?


  1. I would consider myself an extrovert. I usually feel comfortable in a large group of people and I don't usually mind sharing my opinions within groups. Cracking first email Mr Tait, I am looking forward to your next address to 7/8T

    Mr Parkes

  2. I think I would think of myself as an extrovert too.

  3. I think I'm an Introvert

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Probably an extrovert

  6. I'm probably somewhere in between

  7. I feel that I am an extravert as I always want my point put out there

  8. I have finished my tsm and am about to start my inspiration continuing from my other post. I have read three books and are on my fourth and fifth.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I would consider myself and extrovert because I do talk a lot but I still let other people say there opinion

  11. I think of myself as a extravert. I am often determined to do it my way and i am not afraid to put my opinion out there but if I cant have is my way I dont make a fuss. Intraverts often have just information to share

  12. I'm probably somewhere in between but i've noticed that especially as children everyone changes among different groups of people and age.

  13. I'm probably somewhere in between.

  14. I think of myself as an extravert. I always willing to put my opionon out there and I have always been comfortable speeking in a big group of people I know.

  15. I am probably an extravert

  16. I'm somewhere in between. I offer my opinions but I don't shout them out all the time.
