Thursday, 29 October 2015

The none of your beeswax end - JOSH

Yay!!! My independent study presentation is officially done and now only my booklet stands between me and total freedom.

So far I am really proud of all the presentations. There have seemed to be very little, if any hiccups and everyone so far has finished off with an amazing product. And everyone has brought something fun and exciting to the table. One topic that I thought was pulled off exceptionally was Insticts. As I think it was interesting and something not well known a bit like my topic.

One tip that I picked up which I found was really useful is that the way to tell if you have succeeded at your independent study is at the end when you look back if you feel overwhelmed with joy or if you're thinking what you could've done.

This term is one huge rollercoaster. My rollercoaster has what feels like and endless supply of loop-de-loops round every turn. But by the end, once your out of the cart you'll look back and think "That was awesome!"

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