Thursday, 25 June 2015

Halfway - Noah

I think I have done quite well this term with getting my stuff in on time. The only thing I am a bit behind in is independent study. I can't really remember my goals. I can remember that one of my goals was to get distinction in ICAS maths. That's the only goal I can remember. My favourite piece of work was my WNB just a number because it was the first time I got highly commended. I have been doing quite well with my spelling sentences and I have got 10/10 6 weeks in a row. I think I should try and get my I.S done quicker. I think in term two I will start doing much better with my independent study because I have only really just got started. In the holidays I am going to do some of the work on my independent study so I am up to date. The next book in my "queue" is divine madness in the CHERUB series. 

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