Monday, 27 April 2015

ANZAC Day - Tim

On ANZAC day I watched the memorial parade ( I stood next to Mr Tate). I dont really know anyone in my family who was really involved with Gallipoli, so I am not very involved with ANZAC day (asides from the memorial parade).
I think that ANZAC day is very important, as it reminds us of the tragedy of Gallipoli, but some people just use it as an excuse to have a party and get drunk.
If I was 21 years old at the time of the war, if i didn't know much about war, I would think of it as a free holiday, and immediately Volunteer at the soonest chance. However, if I actually knew about war, I would try to avoid going as much as possible.
Image result for anzac day

Thursday, 23 April 2015


I would like to say something funny... but...

iz bad tiem 2 say dat stoof, cus it iz r00d.

Anyway, I don't have much to do with ANZAC DAY, and if I did, my grandparents aren't around, soooooooo...

Can't help there.
So here's a poem.

With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children,
England mourns for her dead across the sea.
Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spirit,
Fallen in the cause of the free.
Solemn the drums thrill: Death august and royal
Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres.
There is music in the midst of desolation
And a glory that shines upon our tears.
They went with songs to the battle, they were young,
Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.

Anzac Day - Noah

I will remember WW1 Gallipoli campaign by going to a Anzac service. I have been to a dawn service in fact I might go to it tomorrow. I think most New Zealanders and Australians will be going to an Anzac service because lots of New Zealanders and Australians died there. i think that my great great grandad went to WW1. If I were 21 and they were recruiting soldiers I would go because I'd think it would be a great way to see the world.

ANZAC day - Matt

Tomorrow I will probably go to the dawn service. I normally go to the dawn service. I haven't been to the exhibition. I think that if you were 21 you would have been immensely scared.

ANZAC Day-Judd

I have never been to a dawn parade but I would really like to go to the dawn parade tommorow. If I was 21 at the time I probably would not have signed up to go to war. I also would have had a bad view on it because conflict is not something that interests me. I have been to exhibition in the great hall, it is a great experience it it gave heaps more information about World War 1. I think that the popularity about ANZAC day for the centenary is very good because the event was so significant in Australia and New Zealand history.

Anzac Day - ąñdrëw

I'm not sure what i'll be doing tomorrow, but I know that my football game has been postponed to Monday for the Anzac dawn service and other things. I don't have any realtives that fought in the war. And no, I haven't been to the hall with the Anzac things but it sounds really cool.

ANZAC day - Jim

Tomorrow I will be playing hockey in the afternoon but I will still have the thought of Gallipoli with me the whole day. I often go to dawn service but I cannot this Anzac day. I think that this is a huge part of NZ's history because of what an impact it had on the country at the time. If I were in the war I would be so scared and worried. I admire the bravery of our troops.


Will actualy not be doing anything on ANZAC day as I will be in the North Island in the sounds. I may have been to a dawn service but I can't remember doing it. If I was 21 and was on the front my thoughts would be something like RA RA BRUBADISHIOUS STUFF THE TURKS WHY DID I JOIN THIS! etc etc as life was pretty bad. Over all I think Gallipoli was a very bad idea and a great loss of life.


I am not going away for ANZAC day but I will not forget the men who gave there lives for the people who are alive today. I have never been to dawn service. If I was 21 and was in the army I would be thinking about the people who I love.


Hey guys! Guess what day it is. It's ANZAC day! Hey, I know what you're thinking, ANZAC day is tomorow, but for americans, and all the other folks in the great american continent, today is aprill 25, the day when Winston Churchill's plan was implemented. I know to him it was a great day, (well, aprill 25 1915) but I'm not so sure how men of his age at the time would view the affair. It still is a momentous day in our history. Oh, and about the poppy, we wear it because it was the only thing wich would grow in the wastelands of war. Morbid or what?

ANZAC day- Luke

Tomorrow is a very special day for me because my great uncle fort in the first world war. I'm going to the dawn service at the memorial park in Wellington. I'm looking ford to the exhibition at Te Papa.
Sorry about the picture only one I could get.


I can't actually imagine what it would be like, in those trenches, scared to death surrounded by soldiers with better rations, superior numbers and a much better position.
Imagine this: It is 1915 you are 21 years old and the word is out that the British are recruiting Aussies and Kiwis for a military campaign in the gallipoli peninsula. Most people would be incredibly eager to go and fight against the Turkish. Some even viewed it like a holiday and the next day they were on a ship out to Egypt.

I have never been to a dawn service and I find it rather pointless that people are celebrating the centennial for Gallipoli and I as a person will be mourning the loss of over 11,000 New Zealand soldiers.


Tomorrow to remember Gallipoli I will be going to the dawn parade and then going out for brunch before going to the Anzac Day AFL match at the stadium. I have been to a dawn parade before. I think it is very popular in NZ and Australia because of how big a part it has played in our history. I didn't have any relatives in WW1. I haven't been to the exhibitions yet but I will.

ANZAC Day - Mr T

Good afternoon boys.  As you know, tomorrow is a very special 100 year anniversary of the Gallipoli campaign from WW1.  What will you be doing tomorrow to remember and honour the dead and wounded?  Have you ever been to a dawn service?  What are your thoughts on how 'popular' the Gallipoli battle is amongst New Zealanders (and Australians)?  Do you have any relatives that were involved in that battle?  Have you been to the Te Papa exhibition or Sir Peter Jackson's WW1 exhibition in the Great Hall of the old Dominion Museum?  How do you think you would have viewed this conflict if you were 21 years old at the time?

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Book to movie - Noah

I preferred the book more then the movie because there were more things in it like Demosthenes and Locke, and more things on earth, but  I still enjoyed the movie. It was quite similar to the movie but as I said before, it did miss some things.

Book to Movie - Luke S

The movie was an interesting representation of the book, in the sence that they cut bits out and only left the most important stuff so as to not change the story.
I woud like to see ender's game remade and be a 'peter jackson lengh feature film'

ender's game book to movie - åñdrêw

I don't think it's fair to compare a book to a movie because of how many differences they have.
The Movie;
Personally, I didn't hink the movie came to it's full potential - the graphics were really good but the altered story line could have been more complex - I think they took out things like locke and co because I was too complex for a 'blockbuster' -Blockbusters are all about action. But overall, I really liked it.
The Book;
¡I REALLY LIKED IT! There's not much more to say here. Opposite to the movie, it was complicated and I lllooovvveeeddd it. ;)

Book to movie_archie

I liked the movie more because the inner plot was easier to understand. I would like to see Cherub and Skullduggery Pleasent turned into a movie. I think that is not fair to compare the book to the movie beacsue the book is so much better and alot different. Also Peter Wiggin plays a smaller role in the movie than he does in the book and Mazar Rackam plays a more important role in the movie than in the book.

Book to movie - Ned

I would make this title "Berk Ter Mervie" but I can't, because Mr. T said "No silly things, no weird titles, just 'Book To Movie - Sam' Alright?" And then the class said "k m8 i dun wan no pr0 hax0rz rekking k m8? just nah m8, nah. if u do ill pr0 420 quikscope u on club penguin an den we can 1v1"

nubbr oen
In my personal opinion, I would prefer the book. The book gives you a better view in your head of what it could be, and to me the movie had elements I thought differently.

nuermbr twoe
Some bits that were taken away were the obvious Locke and Demosthenes, but then there was Graff not getting fatter. Because, who doesn't want the subltey bad guy to be fat? Anyone? No?

nmbur trhe 
I think the author would approve, because the movie was an absolute beast. Also, they did handle the techy bits very well. I really enjoyed the CGI, because that was amazing.

Also, Benerner

book to movie hugo

I did not like the movie as much as the book as it cut out so much of the story. Unlike Lord Of The Rings which cuts out bad bits like the ent songs, this movie cut out a whole story-line which does relate to everything else. Without Peter and Valentines story it sort of was just focused on one point. Also the movie added bits that are irrelevant. They also pictured everything differently such as the bugger planet and the giants drink. It should've been more like a castle, not have valentine or the bugger queen but the playground and tower. Also Fairyland is inside the giants corpse. Another thing wrong is that they don't go to the bugger world and inhabit it. If I was Orson Scott Card I would be very disapointed and would tell the movie people to go remake the movie. Mazer Rackam, the maori general had a voice like an australian and if not australian it was some foreign country that wasn't New Zealand. Overall it was a bad movie and should be re-done. >=^(

Book to Movie-Sam

I definitely preferred the book. I think it is fair to compare the book with the movie. I do think he used his creative license with the ideas that were in the book but his added ideas weren't very creative. I do think it was successful it was a huge blockbuster film in 2013 and it has promoted the book massively. I think Locke and Demosthenes would've had added a lot of depth to the movie because people who don't read the book before watching won't understand how big Valentine and Peter are to the earth or Peter. In my opinion it was a huge mistake not to add them in because they will never understand the beauty of these characters. The part about thirds was not mentioned much at all which was quite annoying. The last thing is that the movie didn't show enough about the giant simulation game. The ending was also different it would've been a spectacular link to the giant simulation at the end. I prefer watching someone else's interpretation. The movies techy bits were displayed with very fine special effects. I think the author would approve of the movie even though it was a bit different. 

Book to movie-GusM

The Movie Ender's Game Was great, as movies go. But at the novel to book level, I do not think this movie deserves so high praise. The book by Orson Scott Card goes very deep, much deeper than what just one movie could handle. One section of the book was entirely erazed. I think the movie would be quite amazing, if there had been no published book as a foundation. It also would work if your audience didn't know what the book was like. I think that in future a new version should be made along with a sequel, which is about what Ender's siblings do when he's away.

Book to movie - Tom A

This will be my last post for a while as the Easter holidays is coming up. We have recently finished the book Enders Game by Orson Scott Card and then we watched the movie. I don't think it's fair to compare a book to a movie but out of the two I think I prefer the book to the movie. But then again I would say this about most movies. Books are usually better than movies because in a book you imagine everything yourself but in a movie someones done it for you. I think the movie displayed the "techy bits" quite well and the big simulation screen and the desk looked cool. I think that a book I would love to see made into a movie is the Rangers Apprentice series.

Book to movie-Anish

By far I think the. Movie is much better because just reading black printed words won't make you understand the story as in the movie it can tell you really vividly. Also I would really want some movies for the nanny piggins series.

Book To Moovie

As far as book to movies go I think that this is an exemplary job by Orson Scott Card ( who was the producer) and the staff that made the movie. Although it was good I would not say this is the best choice of actors for example Bonzo looked the hight of a 6 year old and I distinctly remember a line in the book that said " Bonzo snarled as he towered over Ender. Another thing that disappointed me was how the ages were all wrong Ender looked the size I thought Peter would have been. All in all it was a great pleasure to watch and read.

Book to movie- Will

I feel that the change from the movie to the book was only about a four out of ten. In saying that if you hadn't read the book and you had only watched the movie it was a very good and you can see why it got 'bums on the seat' -Mr Tait. But from the other point of view of someone who had only read the book I think it is a great read and is a book that you can really visualise and get a feel of what the characters are really like. Finally the view from someone who has watched and seen the movie (me) I think the book is a cracker and is something I know I would happily read again with great pleasure, the movie is also very good and does a fantastic job portraying certain parts of the book but the key word is CERTAIN because it does leave some majer parts out. Over all I think the book was better then the movie and would recommend it to any one who is looking for a really good read.
QOTW: Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships- Micheal Jordan

Book to movie Toby c

i really enjoyed Enders game both book and movie. Although I thought the book was better the director did a fantastic job of putting the book onto a screen. I had seen the movie three times before we watched it in class and each time it keeps on getting better.

Book to Movie - Atharva

I don't think it is fair to compare a book to a movie because most movies, when they are made based on a book, have different scenes, and sometimes have a slightly different storyline. If I would like a book to be made into a movie, it would have to be 'The Scorched Trials', which is the second book of 'The Maze Runner'.

Book 2 Movie - Luke

 The book was so different from the book that after I read the book I was a bit disappointing but before I read the book I thought the movie was excellent. I have no idea when he time was supposed to be set but I can assure you that it it in the future. I would defiantly change the end and have more battles because they would add value to what ender felt.

"Stop ,wait a minute, fill my cup put some poison in it" #bad pun #movie reference #poison table

Book to movie - Matt

I think that the author would approve of the movie because although the director took out some parts he left in all of the important points. I think that they covered the 'techy' bits well. One book I would like turned into a movie is cherub - the general

Book to Movie - Toby M

I thought that, seeing as Ender's Game has such a complicated plot, the director of the movie has done very well. Although he didn't manage to fit in things like Demosthenes and Locke, Rat army and Ender reuniting with Valentine at the end. I think they did very well with the starships and all of those other bits that were futuristic. If I was able to turn a book into a movie it would be either be GONE, Skulduggery Pleasant or Gladiator.
I would rate the book 9⃣/🔟 and the movie ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Book to movie - Tim H

I really enjoyed reading Enders game these last couple of weeks. The book was very complicated at times, with some very deep questions and serious moments. I far preferred the book to the movie, because it was so much more. The movie didn't even mention  Demosthenes or Locke.
If i could make any book a movie, I would make Skulduggery Pleasant into a move.

Book to movie - Mr T

Good afternoon boys.  In a whirlwind we have just finished reading Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card and have finished the term off nicely with the movie of the book.  Which one did you prefer?  Is it fair to compare a book with the movie?  How much 'creative licence' did the director use in order to interpret Scott Card's ideas for the big screen?  Was it successful?  Which bits left out or inserted added value?  Which bits took away value?  Do you enjoy 'scrolling' a book's story in your head yourself or watching someone else's interpretation?  How did the movie show the 'techy' bits?  Do you think the author would approve of the movie?  What would you change if you had the opportunity?  Which book would you love to see turned into a movie (or updated into a new movie)?