Sunday, 31 August 2014

Debating - William

I was impressed by the standard of this year's 7/8T debating. I was not expecting as much preparation, however, some people (not to mention any names) were not as prepared. I think the ideas were great and also the rebuttal was great.


Debating day was really fun for me even though my group didn't win I liked seeing what the other groups had done. The best topic for a debate was euthanasia because it was controversial in real life, the teams for that topic were probably the best two groups because of the reason it was a real life topic. If I was given the opportunity to pick up debating at college I would take it.

Debating - Henry C

Debating for me was interisting. Doing my debate and winning against the other team was actually really fun. Listening to other teams was not as much. The topics that were chosen were really good becuase they were topics that suited year seven and eight debating. Since we learnt about the books and read the books in school everyone knew about the arguments that they were trying to get across and that helped. Sometime it actually didn't help such as the team tht was arguing about why napoleon was a good leader. They didn't have much suppourt becuase everyone knew napoleon wasn't a good leader

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Debating debrief - JOSH

I really enjoyed the debating day. I thought it was a really cool way to teach the class about debating. I personally feel that I was clear loud and definitely got my point across. If I were to do this again I would probably slow it down a tiny bit. I felt that Hugh, Tim and Theo did fantastic in their debate and that they really got their points across to me. I feel that the euthanasia debate was the best to discuss about especially since it's such a relevant topic at the moment. I think that adjudicating is a hard job but I was a little disappointed that I got marked down on my preparation for being "too prepared" and I also felt that our adjudicator was focussing more on the actual presentation than the content of our debates. I am definitely going to do debating at Wellington College because debating is such an interesting thing to learn about.

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Debating Brief- Harry W

Overall debating was a success (excluding my group) the debates I think were a great success. There was a great amount of talent and great arguments. I think that the standard of the arguments was truly great considering it was our first debate. The rebuttals were also exceptional considering they were made up on the day. I also really enjoyed watching the debates in action.

Debating - Hugh

I think the day went well, although I have say that lots of boys were not a good audience to the speakers. I think I would give my team a 8/10 as we worked well together, had lots of information and we spoke well - apart from a few stutters, hence the 8. If I had another bite of the cherry I would definitely practice my speech as I only had one go at going through my speech before our debate because we took a lot of time writing. I think Jessie's team did really well because they spoke really well and had good arguments. I think the euthanasia topic was the best (I'm not being cocky here) because it was a real life topic, not a 7/8T one. I think the adjudicators did really well under pressure (although I didn't agree with all their decisions). I think I will end up doing debating at college as I really enjoyed delivering the speech!

Debate Day-Ben S

It was rather scary this morning, but in midst of debating, the fear all went away. I had a "180" moment. If I were to do anything differently, I would get started earlier, because it slowed down all my other work, and I think if I started earlier I wouldn't be doing my blog at this time. I would rate my performance at eight out of ten, due to the fact that some of my summary was impromptu, and I stuttered and stumbled when it came to adding in what my team mates were saying.

Debates-Gus M

Man, I'm glad that's over. We finally had the debates and they were great! Everone had to add funny bits to make their message heard, and people went crazy for the 'arkward turtle.'
I was quite happy when my debating team one our debate. But I was also a teeny bit sad that History wouldn't be taught at primary school, but prehaps it's for the best. I don't think will actually have to do that again but I would if I had the chance.

Debating Day- Nicholas

I really enjoyed the debating today, it was really interesting. I think our team did quite well. My rebuttle wasn't that good but my other points were deliverd well and clearly. I enjoyed the eauthanasia debate I think Hugh, Tim and Theo clearly won their debate. It was good the old boys came in to visit us and talk about Coll. Overall I really enjoyed the debating and would like to do it again.


Debate Day - the debrief - Jim

I thought the day went really well as a whole and all the debates were of a high class. I would rate myself an eight or nine out of ten because my team won and I got best speaker. I also really enjoyed ajudicating. It was a close debate that I judged and there were speakers that stood out. I think I would do a bit more preperation if I did it again although you don't want to over prepare. I thought that the euthanasia topic was really good and I thought there were good points from both teams. I think a good reason to do debating is because it really helps with public speaking. A good skill to have for debating is thinking on the spot because that is how you make your rebuttal and also sometimes you need thinking on the spot for extra points in your debate.

Debates - Callum Benfell

I think that our debate went awesome and I'm really proud of myself. Originally I was really nervous as we hadn't really prepared as a team, and Henry had to do an impromptu sum - up. However, I think it really came together, and Henry did amazing.

Well done guys!

Debating Day-Luke

I think our debate didn't go so well. It would have gone better if Max would have come and least written his speech. it was nerve raking when I turned up to school and Max wasn't here and I had to write up his speech in two minutes.

Debate Day Debrief- Jesse

Debate Day was really fun, some of the debates were really interesting.
I felt I did OK, to be honest I was expecting my personal performance to be worse and my team's performance to be better. I would say that Hugh Tim and Theo absolutely nailed their argument for Euthanasia, I was agreeing with everything they were saying.

I thought the adjudicators did pretty well overall considering they had to remain completely unbiased, but I felt they judged it too much on the clearness of speech and the volume of people's voices instead of what they were actually saying.

I am definitely doing debating at Wellington College.

7/8T Debate day - Noah

This morning I woke up dreading today, but after my debate I wish I could've done it again. Although I was disappointed about my topic, its really hard debating for something that isn't. I really wanted to do the euthanasia, being the 'for' side. I think euthanasia should be legit. I mean the government has to much control over what happens. I think people should be able to make the decision if they want to die or not, and how. I know I'd like to die how I wanted, being able to die how you want we would be a nice ending to your life. Anyway back to the debates I think the judges were to concerned on how the speech was delivered and not what the actual points were.

Debate day - Toby M

The Debate is finally over. Sure it has been a lot of fun but it was quite hard. I think I'm not a very good first speaker and if we did it again I would be third speaker. If I had got to choose my moot point and side, then I would be the negative side of  Napoleon was a great leader. Most of my points weren't very good but the one in the summary was quite good. The negative team had some really good points and I think they had some really good rebuttal.

Debate Day - Callum H

I really was not looking forward to the debate day. When it was happening, it was aweseome! I really enjoyed the scribbling notes down furiously part of it. I also enjoyed making funny things up on the spot.

Debate day tobyc

I wasn't looking ford to debating but I really enjoyed it I was working with Noah and Andrew I was the first speaker. I had two parts the start and the end. I was really happy because I my team I was the best speaker according to our adjudicator. My team mate Noah deleted our debate not naming names it was just a accident.

78t debate day

I think the debate day was very fun even though I wasn't really looking forward to it. I was helping noah and toby to write their debates and I didn't judge the time properly and I didn't have any speech for myself although noah did delete the whole thing half way through (no blame on him because it was an accident of course.) Next time I would prepare more of a speech and not just rely on "freestyleling". I think that the history topic was the best for the bebates. the adjudicators did  a very very good job, even if they hadn't had practice and I would like to thank them all.

Debate Day - the debrief

Good afternoon boys - what a day!  We have just completed four very exciting debates and I have been very impressed with the attitude and skill level overall.  How did you think the day went?  Rate your performance.  What would you do differently if you had a second bite of the cherry?  Which team absolutely 'nailed it'?  Which topic was the best topic for a debate?  Who were the strongest three speakers?  How did our four adjudicators perform in their role?  Are you likely to pick up debating at college (if given the opportunity)?  Why do debating?  What skills are the most valuable?

Friday, 22 August 2014

The none of your bees wax end - JOSH

If I were to perform a stocktake I would say that I've made a good start to my Independent Study but that I need to make sure I don't step back and take a breath because time will fly by. I would probably give myself a pat on the back for getting stuck in to the beginning of my work and I would give myself a rocket for taking too much time for each page of work I do. I will need to change what application I use for my independent study because I need to use more than one application so that I don't lose my work. I don't really know what a independent study presentation looks like but I think I've got a rough idea of what my presentation will look like. If I were to swap topics with someone I would probably swap with Callum Benfell's topic which is biomimicry or Ben Ross's topic which is the 1972 Munich hostages. I have been reading last year's independent study quite often and I really enjoy them and I feel like I'm learning from them quite a lot. My ultimate goal this year for independent study is to teach my peers something new and to teach them more about my topic as it's not so well known.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

The business end - Jim

I am really glad with my topic choice but now it's time to press down the accelerator and get the tasks done faster and starting/completing more tasks. I'm glad with my interviews I conducted and with the questions I asked. I would give myself a rocket for my presentation because I need to get started which is what everyone tells me to do so I will take their advice. My vision for my presentation is for it to be visual and include lots of pictures because my topic is quite visual and also I want to capture my audience.

Buisness end-Gus M

Well, I have know idea what to do. There is around nine weeks for me to raise $400 dollars and make a presentation for Independant study. I'm not even sure I can pull it off in time. But even if I don't have a great independant study I'll always give myself a pat on the back for myself for my Berlin Blockade and Cuban Missile Papers. I don't think my introduction deserves the same credit. Though I might make it their in the end, because I've got the program of doing on task on my SOLO a week, but this week I'm doing two, including The Cuban Missile Crisis. If I had to swap independant studys with someone else it would probably swap with Sam Paviour-smith and his Gallipoli project.

the business end - andrew ß

I think that I got started on my independent study reasonably quickly, so I would "pat myself on the back" for that. I haven't  started my presentation yet, I'll probably start I reasonably soon, but I don't  have as much pressure as the year eights do on getting it finished but I probably shouldn't think that way because I might start a bit late if I do! I don't really have a  vision for my presentation, but i'm hoping it will go smoothly. if I had to swap topics I would swap with ben stirlings because I dont know lots about nanotechnology.

The Business Interview

The following interview it strictly confidential...

Good afternoon boys.  
Good afternoon Mr. Tait. 

We are halfway through our 3rd term of 2014 and getting towards thebusiness end. 
I know.You did a typo there. There's supposed to be a space between 'the' and 'business'.

In just over eight weeks our Yr 8s will begin their I.S. presentations.  Every minute counts...If you had to perform a 'stocktake' on your own Independent Studies where would you see yourself? 
I think that I'm doing really well, and I've done quite a few activities. Google says that you spelt 'stocktake' wrong.

What is the one single thing you could give yourself a 'pat on the back' for?  
The quality of the writing, probably. I also am proud of how I have loads of rhetoric questions that provoke the readers imagination and act as good 'hooks'.

What is the one single thing you cpuld give 'yourself a rocket' for?  
You did another typo.

What is your 'vision' for your presentation? 
I want it to be really fun and hook the audience in from the start. I know that Biomimicry could be a boring topic, so I intend to spruce it up a bit, and make it really engaging.  

If you had to swap topics (had to...) with another boy in 7/8T which topic would you want to study?  
Probably George's - the Catholic Inquisition. 

What is your ultimatte goal with your I.S. this year?
Probably to win, I guess... but mostly, it would be to make a booklet that I'm really proud of, and 'perform' a presentation that is really fun and different.

So, overall, just to do my best.

The Buisness End- Nicholas

If I had to perform a stock take on my Independent Study I would say I'm doing okay but I need to push on with my S.O.L.O. activities. If I could give myself a pat on the back for something it would be my work ethic because I am trying hard at making sure my Independent Study is good quality. If I had to give myself a 'Rocket' it would be that I haven't yet started my presentation.

My vision for my presentation is good I can see it coming together well I think I will use Microsoft powerpoint and use a mouse to navigate through slides. If I had to swap topics with someone it would probably be Hugh's topic 'Bees and Honey' as it would be fascinating. If I could choose another topic it would be Callum's topic- 'Biomimicry.'  I don't use the class archives much but when I do they are useful. If I could change something on my independent study it would probably be changing some of my S.O.L.O. activities.

My ultimate goal this year is to deliver a high quality presentation and booklet. I don't really want to impress anyone in particular but I want it to be one of the booklets on the bookshelf that someone would pick up first. I am looking forward to really getting into my topic even more and although it will get busy I'll treat it as an adventure.


The bizniz end- Toby Marks

I am really pleased with how well I'm doing on my independent study though this week there hasn't been a whole lot of progress, other than listing his battles, writing a timeline and a few other small things. I'm really pleased with my timeline and I am really looking forward to making my model. Referring to my BSWQ I think he had quite a large and saved Europe from Napoleon.

The Business End-Harry W

I think I could give myself a pat on the back for being a lot further through my study than I was last year. I don't think that I am that far behind, I might be a tiny little bit but I don't feel like it. I could probably give myself a rocket for not being completely on top of everything as I would like to be.

While it is important to complete all of your activities from your s.o.l.o, it is all quite important now for the year 8's to start outlining their presentation.

I think the main change from my work routine would be that I am now focusing more on presentation than booklet while still doing some of my activities. My vision for my presentation is to have an organized structure and stick to it. If I had to swap topics it would probably be with Henry who is studying Harry Houdini, because he was one of my options in my TSM, or the Springbok tour. 

My personal goal for independent study is to be happy with my end result and to actually like my topic unlike last year...

The Bizzniss Nd=Jorje

I think my independent study is coming along well. I think that this week I have knocked off around four or so activities and begun a few more. I think that I would give myself a rocket for not getting enough resources at the start of the year as I was getting everything from Wikipedia. I am now using some alternative sources but not many. My vision for my presentation is that it will be very "hands on" with some demonstrations and maybe a costume and some Spanish food (chorizo anyone?). If I had to change topics it would probably be with Toby Marks because i really like that sort of age and the warfare and strategies employed. The one thing I would change with I.S would be to have a Gourmet Continental Buffet with food from the area that the persons study was situated so that the presentations could be held at lunchtime. Or a Sushi Train instead. My goal this year, as everyone's is, is to come "first" although the real prize is to get to do one very well.

The Business End Hugh

I think that I would give myself a pat on the back for having done alot of work this year and I would give myself a rocket for choosing the wrong independent study topic to suit myself. I think the change I have to do to my work routine is to take myself to the library more often, so I don't get caught up talking or doing somthing with my friends. My vision for my presentation is to have a good, well presented, informative, hour long presentation. If I were to swap topics with somebody I wouuld swap for either the illegal animal trade or the springbok tour (two topics I was going to do!) If I could change anything with my independent study I would swap my topic. My goal for independent study this year is to get into the top two.


The business end - Ben

If you were to look at a timeline of my I.S. I would be about 3/4 through with the final leg of the journey just in front of me. If I had to be most proud of myself for one thing it was probably carrying on with my topic when I was unsure about it. All I needed was that extra but of self motivation and I was on my way. To be honest I vision my presentation as the same as last year. Although this time I will have a few variations in the actual PowerPoint layout. Instead of using timed animations I will make it change on click so the attention is more on me than on the board. 

If I were to swap topics with someone I would probably choose Will Saunders (Al Capone) because I am quite interested in early 20th century American history. In fact when I was thinking of changing topics myself I was going to replace it with the American prohibition. My ultimate goal this year would be to get a placing and to get a higher score than last year (hopefully by a big margin).

The Business End - Henry C

This is definitely the business end of the year. You can feel the pressure creeping in and some people are really cracking. I have started my presentation already and I kind of want to go first in presentations. One of the reasons I want to go first is because you set the trend and if I go first then maybe some of the year sevens might have a presentation like mine and that would be pretty cool. My work habits I think are pretty good. Lately I have got a bit bored but that was because I couldn't find much on the internet. If I can keep working like I have been lately I think I could get a nice size booklet about 80+ pages but in the end that all comes down to your topic and the ability to work when everyone is printing and binding and getting all their stuff ready in the last term. If I had to swap topics I don't know who I would swap with, maybe Callum B if I had to. Biomicry sounds quite cool but it might not have much to write about.

The Business End - Jëśśë

I think I could definitely pat myself on the back for how far I've gotten with my Presentation, I didn't even start mine last year until about T3 W8. I could probably give myself a rocket for how far I've gotten with my booklet, I really need to get further ahead on that. I'll definitely start doing some homework over the weekends to get my IS done on time, that's not something I normally do. I'll also definitely do a big chunk of it over the October Holidays. My vision for my presentation is to include a lot of pictures, which will be difficult since there are many authentic picture of Shakespeare, but I really like the Lego Shakespeare thing, it will be kind of the logo for my IS. If I had to swap topics I'd probably for the Catholic Inquisition (George), I see real potential in that topic.

The Business End-Luke

My independent study has come along really well but I need to get on with everything because I'm not even over half way with little time left. Every week I'm completing a task. I'm going to make a board game that can stay in the class. If I had to swap topics I would swap with either Josh or Jim because they both have topics I can relate to.

The bussines end - Callum H

I think I'm doing quite well with my Independant study so far. However it feels like I only got my green light yesterday the time has gone so fast. If I were to change my topic it would probably be either biomimicry or nanotechnology. I can't believe it's only eight weeks until we are presenting, I've hardly even thought about my presentation yet.

The Business End- Ben S

I find it very scary that the end of the year is fast approaching. As interested as I am with my I.S, finding answers can be...difficult. You have to ask the right questions. I have found very many "ungooglable" questions, as some things that I ask come up with completely different things. If I were to swap topics, I would swap with Nicholas. N.A.S.A is an interesting topic. I saw Callum and George working today and I saw they each had written 22-40 pages. I was completely shocked. I have done less than one, but I have done quite a bit of research. Then again, Callum and George have too. Any tactics recomendations from Year Eights?

The Bees Knees end-Sam

I am proud of my topic selection but I think I need to give myself a rocket on getting it started. I f I had to change my topic I would change my topic to D-day because it is similar. I use the archives often to find out what I should do with my independent study. My ultimate goal for my independent studies is to show others in the class what I can do after a slow start. If I had to take a stocktake I wouldn't be going that well at all. I see myself going up the of the class and showing everyone where Anzac cove was on a map. If I could change my work routine  I would get onto my work faster and not get distracted by other stuff.

By Sam

The business end - Mr T

Good afternoon boys.  We are halfway through our 3rd term of 2014 and getting towards the business end.  In just over eight weeks our Yr 8s will begin their I.S. presentations.  Every minute counts...If you had to perform a 'stocktake' on your own Independent Studies where would you see yourself?  What is the one single thing you could give yourself a 'pat on the back' for?  What is the one single thing you could give 'yourself a rocket' for?  What changes to your routine/work ethic will you need to make in order to not only make the deadlines but make them with top quality work?  What is your 'vision' for your presentation?  If you had to swap topics (had to...) with another boy in 7/8T which topic would you want to study?  How often do you use our class 'archives'?  If you could change anything about I.S. what would it be?  How would you implement this change?  What is your ultimate goal with your I.S. this year?

Thursday, 7 August 2014

The Great Debate- Nicholas

So far I have really enjoyed debating and I am pleased we get to start off now instead of at college. The topics make you think and sometimes I enjoy debating for the side I'm against as it is a good experience. I would like to be third speaker to finish off the debate well and I would also like to be the chairperson when I'm not debating. I bring very good skills as I persuade my parents and that is good practice for persuading the audience. The biggest challenge in debating for me is when I run out of points to talk about but I will fix this by emphasizing the point I'm talking about and building on that. I will probably 'kick on' through college as I found it fun. I think it is a great skill for later in life for example;  Bargaining, Protesting and applying for something.


The Great Debate - Jim

I'm really excited about debating in class because I really enjoy it and I do it outside of school. I think debating is fun because you have to argue your way through a moot point so that the audience is on your side at the end. I usually prefer second speaker because you get to rebut and start firing your arguments at the other team. I also really like the moot that the class decided on because it is very two way so that there is no obvious winner even before the debate begins. The thing I also really find challenging but fun is arguing against what you believe in because sometimes you see why others would believe differently. So I can't wait till we do the big debate.

the 78t debate

For me debating is (and will be) fun. I've done 3 mini debates already and they've been great fun. im not really enjoying any specific  area in the debate, so im not really looking foward to something in peticular. I think  the thrid speaker position is more suitable for me because in themini debates I usually think up a quick rebuttal.  if I am proven to be good at debates then I might  carry it on into college but if im not then I probably won't . if you are planning to go into politics later on in life then debating is essential. :):)

The Great Debate Hugh

I am really enjoying debating, although I think I need alot more practice to get the best out of it! I think it sounds  good, but it is quite organised (which I don't really like) as I like the parliament style of debating. I'm mostly looking forward to the actual debaing and of course I'm really looking forward to watching the other debates. I'm still not sure what role I'd like the most, I'm just going to go where Mr. Tait puts me!

The debate of greatness - Toby M

The Debating sounds really fun. So far I have really enjoyed the mini debates. So far I have been on the side of the argument that I don't support so I hope that I am on the side that I support today. I definitely don't want to be first as they will be the first to speak and last to speak, so I will probably choose second. I reckon debating would be pretty useful later on in life because if you get into an argument, it will be almost certain that you win.

The Great debate-Gus M

Well now Mr Tait has come up with the idea of debates- quite sensible actually. I think my role lies within being the first speaker, with introducing the topic and all that. As I said before I think it's quite sensible that Mr Tait organisises these things because if he didn't it would be just total pndemonium whenever anyone started to have a debate, with people always shouting over each other.

I don't know about what this debate day thing is all about because I literary don't know anything about it. Mabey we should have a debate about it...

The GREAT debate - JOSH

I personally love debating. I have done debating at my drama classes and I even came first in a debating competition. On the debating day I'm looking forward to hearing the other debates and also trying to challenging myself with coming up with a really good speech. When I do debating at my drama classes I usually am the first speaker because I like introducing the topic and coming up with a good speech  to start off my teams debate. The skills I think I will bring to the table are that I like speaking in front of crowds and I also have experience in debating. My biggest challenge will probably be doing rebuttal because I like to prepare my pieces and I find it a bit difficult to come up with rebuttal on the spot. I would really like to debating in college because I really find it fun. I think that debating is a great skill in life because it can help you think about questions more and you can way out the good side and the bad side to every topic or discussion.

Debating - Callum

I am really looking forward to debating. I think that I'd probably be best at going second, as I'm probably better at a rebuttals and usually I don't have lots and lots of great  ideas arguing for my side, but rather I usually have one really good one that I can explain really well.

I'm  enjoying our class 'mini debates', but so far I've usually been on the side of the argument that I don't particularly support. I guess that this has its pros and cons, but I think I prefer being on the side of the argument that I support, as you know the reasons you support it, and can argue with much more passion and feeling.

So, overall I think that debating is really cool and I'm looking forward to being put in a team!

The Massive Debate - William

As Mr Tait said, we have recently started debating, I am not amazing at debating at the moment but hopefully I can improve. I enjoy debating, especially if I'm against my true beliefs, because then I can use my own thoughts against me.

I need to work on filling up more time, I often end up finished with almost a minute left. I asked my mum last night how I could improve and she said just repeat what I have said in a different wording.

The Great Debate-GEORGE

I think debating is o.k. I personally wish it was a little less structured and that the rebuttals were able to be done by anybody. I think I would like to do 2nd or 3rd speaker because going first means you have to do the summary and define the moot which sounds boring. I do not know if I'll do it at college but it really depends on if it is any good. The best moot ever would be... Mr Klöx should be allowed in sentences. Comment your answers...
Je pense que le débat est Ö.K. Je souhaite personnellement que c'était un peu moins structuré et que les réfutations ont pu être fait par n'importe qui. Je pense que je voudrais faire orateur deuxième ou troisième parce qu'aller premier signifie que vous avez à faire la synthèse et définir le théorique qui semble ennuyeux. Je ne sais pas si je vais le faire au collège, mais cela dépend vraiment si c'est tout bon. La meilleure théorique serait jamais ...
M. klox devrait être autorisé dans les phrases. Commentez vos réponses ...

The Great Debate-Luke

My favourite role in debating is first speaker because I think I can understand the moot really well. I think that team debating will be very fun and exiting. The hardest part of debating is making it up on the spot. It's very well typing up a speech but have you ever tried making a speech up on the spot.

The Great Escape (Debate) - Noah

I'm going to enjoy debating. It's fun being able to argue in an organised fashion. I really want to be the adjudicator on one of the debates. I don't really want to be the first speaker, I feel as though I might screw up the team, I'd prefer to see what others do and then kinda learn from them. I want to be the person who counters all the other teams points. If I'm good at debating I might continue in college. If I do continue debating I might aim to get a job in court or something. Maybe a lawyer or something.  

The Great Debate - Toby C

I do enjoy dedating I tend to do it a lot with my brother and sister though. The mini-debates have been fun. I think a good topic to debate would be Mr Tait is a good teacher I would like to be on the negative side. I think debating fun although it can be frantic sometimes. I would want to be the first speaker I think it would be fun because you can outline all of your statements.

The Great Debate-Harry W

I really enjoy debating and the really organised debates as I love the preparation and the standing up and delivering. I did debating at my old school in Australia and I really enjoyed and I am keen to do it again. I like speaking at the end or second. I like going last because of the rebuttals and the summary. I think I bring a bit of experience and preparation skills. I have no idea if I will carry on with it during college but I will just see how much I enjoy it when we get to the actual debates.

The Great Debate - Henry C

Debating seems really hard. Before started debating at Wellesley I thought it would just be someone saying something and people just keep criticizing them but no they have heaps and heaps of rules. Firstly you can't criticize the person you can only criticize their argument (sadly) secondly you have to wait your turn to speak. That is one of the worst things debating. It does kind of make sense though, because if there was no rules like that it be up there with insults in the things they teach in school.

Me personally I don't know where I want to speak. First speaker sounds really boring because you can't criticize anyone. Third speaker sounds quite fun because but you have to summarize what your group is trying to say. So I think I would like to be second speaker, because you get to criticize the other team so if I can choose one speaker to be I would choose second.

The Great Debate- Theo

Debating seems fun. I am most looking forward to debate on the debating day and I think I suit being the second speaker. The hardest part will be debating against a good point which the other person makes. I think I might carry debating through to college because I think it's a good skill in life.

The Great Debate - Ben

When I first heard of debating as a sport (kind of) I though it wouldn't be much fun at all but now since I have been exposed to it more it is growing on me. I especially love the mini debates because they are short and sharp and it's basically the same as the real thing but on a smaller scale.

I am really looking forward to our debating day because it just sounds interesting. I am simply hooked on debating and having a debting day as a class will feed my hunger for it. In the actuall debating i think I would suit either the second speaker or third speaker because I love showing off the big points. But I equally like countering peoples arguments because when you have succesfully countered an argument you have put them on the back foot.

If I really enjoy debating this year I might choose to carry it on at college because it will help devolp skills for later in life, espicially if you were to take a job as a lawyer, and even if you didn't become a lawyer it would be a handy tool to use in a wide variety of scenarios.

The Great Debate- Jëššë

I think debating is going to be really fun, I'm really looking forward to it. My sister has done debating at her school and she has said it's really fun. I think if you have a good moot point and intelligent teammates, debating would be really interesting. I think organised debating is great, it can be really good practice if you want to be a lawyer, or if you want to be good at thinking on your feet.  I don't think there's any one part of debating I'm looking forward to, I don't know enough about it to make an informed decision. I think I'd like to be the third speaker, so I can comment on what has been said previously and show how the other team is wrong. I think it would be too much pressure to be the first speaker. My greatest challenge would probably be to not talk too fast, that could be a problem. I would really like to continue on with debating in college, although I doubt I'll take it further than that.

The Large Argument-Max

I do not enjoy organised debating,  especially the timed aspect, yet... Probably the second role is best for me. I might continue to college. Debating is a good skill because you could win many different arguments,  but you might annoy your friends.

The Great Debate - Callum H

I think that debating would be awesome if it was your only thing that you did for say, four weeks. However because we have: Independent Study, Weekly tasks, production, a musical instrument (if you learn one) and now debating I think is a bit much. Oh and did I forget to mention the truckloads of sport that most people in this class do that take up an afternoon. So with all that I think it's a bit hard to do a good job on everything and that debating needs to be reserved for a time when we don't have much on the boil. Which at Wellesley is never.

The Great Debate-Will S

I feel that the debates we have done in class are a great way for us to learn the skill of quick thinking, positive speaking and clear persuasive arguments. At the moment from what I have done I think I would make a great third speaker because I am a quick thinker and know how to put my thoughts into action quickly. I think the hardest thing for me will be staying quiet because if I think something is wrong I generally speak out which I'll have to work on if I want to be a good debater. An I am not sure if I will do debating because my brother did it and he said it wasn't so good.

The Great Debate-Sam

Debating is one of my favourite subjects in the school day (even though I'm not good at it). I think that debating is a good thing and if we didn't have debating we wouldn't be where we are today. I don't really have any debating skills. The biggest challenge for me will be getting some good ideas down in time. I want to carry it on into college but I would probably have to improve a bit. I think debating would become helpful in life if you worked at parliament or were on the board of something and you had to decide what to add or get rid of or even when you are voting for something. I'm most excited about seeing how other people debate on debating day and get some skills from them it's also quite exciting how close it's because I only knew that there was going to be a debating day today.

I didn't think debating was going to be cool when I heard about I went gun this is going to boring but now I have actually realised it isn't that boring at all.

By Sam

The Great Debate - Mr T

Good morning boys.  Over the next few weeks we are going to be launching our class debates.  You have had a taste for the basics and, through our mini-debates, been given an opportunity to prepare and deliver an argument either for or against something.  What do you think about debating (in its organised form)?  What are you most looking forward to when we have our debating day?  Which speaker role do you think suits you - 1st, 2nd, or 3rd?  What skills will you bring to the table?  What will be the biggest challenge for you? Do you intend to 'kick on' and carry it through to college?  Why do you think debating could be a good skill to have in later life?